Antique Denim Appraisal
Online Antique / Vintage Denim Appraiser
Did you found a pair of Levi's jeans from an old mine shaft?
You've come to the right place. My name is Chris, and for the last 20 years, I've specialized in buying, researching & appraisals of old vintage denim jeans and jacket, old miner's clothing circa 1850-1950. Please allow me to be your guide.
Well, I am a collector with over 20 years experience and for some nostalgic reason I just happens to like the fact they were old. And these oldest denim not only means history to me. I'm a self-claimed historian on various brands of jeans manufacturers, I've learned their history well and have seen numerous pieces of century old jeans left by miners or jeans that were produced in a later era. So you found some old denim jeans or jacket from an old barn, attic or some abandoned mine shaft but you think they were junk. This is the right place you come to! Feel free to browse the rest of this site to learn more of what you had found. Thank you

My Appraisal
Everything You Need to Know
Started in 1995, it was a hobby and out of goodwill I started this site trying to salvage these discarded old rag and helping folks to let them know what their holding on. Theres not much info on these old denim back then and folks were clueless most of the time. Over the years I received plenty of enquiries regarding denim old or contemporary but honestly I'm not good in the contemporary stuff and of course folks didn't know what they had till they find out from me. You are welcome!

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